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Writer's picturejanetarthur98

Talk about Blarney

Updated: Aug 9, 2019


We started the day of early 8.30 on the way to Blarney Castle to kiss the Blarney stone (I know I don’t need to I blarney enough already. Really beautiful grounds (video included). Very long line but noticed afterwards longer line for people afterwards. Climbed very steep stairs but it was god going slow to take photos and feel the age of those 12th century beginnings. John stayed down and looked around the gardens and inside the dungeon and caves.

Kissing the blarney stone is more difficult if you are short as I am, but there was a guy who was there to help me pull myself far enough over. When I sat up I said to one of our tour people well done , she said it was scary but I didn’t think about that myself.

On our way there we stopped off in a place where there had been many people starve to death and buried in a mass grave, I could feel the sadness.

Our guide said over a million died in the potato famine many emigrated and many died. Some wealthy people put aside some of the land for mass burials where everyone of them had a mass said by a priest.

We continued on to Killlarny where we were dropped off to explore the small but very busy town. The houses we passed on the way were lovely with the pots of flowers outside and lots of surrounding greenery. The amazing old houses with a chimney for each room on one house.

Ireland is a beautiful country, with lovely people.When John and I wondered downtown I noticed there were lots of pharmacys I’m not sure why. Each shop we passed had Irish music playing a bit distracting.

When we boarded the bus we went to a farm of yester year where it was explained how the diary worked in the old farm days. Mike the guide explained how peat for the fire was made .

Made from swamp and the trees from the ice age. When dry you could burn it and the ashes spread on the garden to enhance the quality of the soil.It was often covered in straw which was used to reinforce thatched houses.

We were able to meet the two beautiful Clydesdale horses.

Moving in for dinner we got to sit in the dining room or kitchen (which is where we were sitting). Two people sang funny Irish songs which were hilarious.The man who seemed in

Charge told us an Irish joke “Mary and Paddy were married by their priest Father Joseph.

Two days later Father Joseph bumped into the young couple and said any sign of family yet?

Mary says,”No Father Joseph”.

The father says, “ Ill light a candle for you both then to be blessed with children.”

Father Joseph is sent to the Vatican to work and doesn’t see either Mary or Paddy until one day after returning he sees Mary up the street with ten children.” Hello Mary I see you have a large family now. Is Paddy at work?”

“Oh no father he has gone to the Vatican to blow out that bloody candle you lit”

We are busy therefore a bit tired but it is fun and we are looking forward to the resto of the trip and then when we rent the cars relaxing more.

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